
[TCT2012]介入治疗或外科手术:如何选择?——Gregg W. Stone博士专访

作者:  G.W.Stone   日期:2012/11/15 14:56:51



  <International Circulation>: Currently, when you suggest PCI over CABG for left main disease?
  Dr. Stone: Currently, surgery is the gold standard for left main disease. PCI should be considered for acute MI as a life saving situation. Based on the current data we have, it is reasonable to consider PCI for left main disease outside the frame work of a clinical trial when the risk of PCI is extremely low and the long term results tend to be favorable, that is patients with low SYNTAX scores. Ostial left main disease, midshaft left main disease without any other lesions of the coronary tree, and the morbidity and mortality associated with bypass surgery will increase. For most patients, the guidelines still recommend surgery. I think this reasonable even though surgery is associated with a higher risk of stroke. The real unknown is whether this is relevant to mortality or the MI rate with the appropriate type of patients or those with low to intermediate SYNTAX scores. That is where EXCEL shines.


  <International Circulation>: When can we expect results from EXCEL?
  Dr. Stone: It was randomized approximately now in about 100 patients, so it will take a year to get to 2600 and then three years follow up. It will be about four years away.


  <International Circulation>: There is a lot of concern about late stent thrombosis, could you tell about what kind of treatment would you suggest to address these concerns?
  Dr. Stone: The rate of late stent thrombosis is decreasing and the current generation of drug-eluting stents has shown that rates of late stent thrombosis is low. You are probably dealing with odds of 1 or 2 out of a thousand people with the current generation. Of course, there are studies going on, most particularly the DAPT study, to see if long term, dual antiplatelet therapy makes a difference, compared with discontinuing it after 12 months, and within a couple years we will have the result of that study. Right now, I would not be overly concerned about late stent thrombosis. Patients need to understand that it is a risk, but when you have coronary disease, there will always be risks. The risk of an MI or sudden death once you have the diagnosis of coronary disease will never go away. This is just one other thing to consider in the mix and not be overly obsessed with that complication.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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