
[AHA2011]Andrea Baccarelli博士解析空气污染与血压水平的关系

作者:  AndreaBaccarelli   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



    <International Circulation>:  Do you plan to do more?


    Prof. Baccarelli:  Yes, we are actually planning to do more.  We are working with collaborators at Peking University who are thinking of expanding this study and are thinking of doing new studies on cardiovascular disease and its relation to pollution.  We are working with colleagues in China who recently received funding from the Chinese government, equivalent to the United States’ NIH. We received approval for funding in a joint application to look at pollution effects directly on the arteries and the heart.  Another colleague, Li Fang, who is from the Northeast of China, is going to Beijing next week to start the collaboration. 

    Baccarelli教授: 是的,我们正计划开展下一步研究。我们正在与北京大学的合作者们商讨如何扩大这项研究,以及开展心血管疾病与污染的相关性的研究。与我们合作的中国同事获得了中国政府资金,这相当于美国的NIH资助。我们进行的染污对心脏的直接影响的研究获得了联合资金申请批准。另一位来自东北的同事,李方,下周即将去北京启动该项合作。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

空气污染血压水平Andrea Baccarelli

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